Aria Group

Creative Imagination/Play

Creativity |

We are in a time of narrow straits  (pandemic, racism, war, polarization) and my life and work is devoted to expansiveness (i.e. Creative imagination).

In January when I got Covid (thankfully, not badly), I pondered about what makes my life meaningful. Among other things (like family, friends, work), I realized that my driver throughout my life has been “creative imagination.”  I asked friends and family to share what that phrase meant to them. Here are a few of the many inspiring responses (I’ll share more in another posting).

This set is about creative imagination as play.



Just do it. Horse play. Ability to allow yourself to be a conduit for creating something new. Being a subject.  Deluded in to thinking we are separate selves, rather we are in relational matrix. Instead of holding what we think we are, letting something weird happen… When we create a play atmosphere, the space where we’re permitted to allow our subjective experience to be assembled in slightly different way. In kid’s play you take on roles. You are imagining yourself as a different subject.


Creativity to me is simply playing, exploring, experimenting. Getting out of my head and finding that inner-child, be it in movement, art, music, writing whatever is your calling. Its ageless, intuitive: speaks right from the heart. Spontaneous, waking up all your senses through play and imagination. No judgement, letting go and enjoying the ride in color, sound shape, space and time.


It’s the process and the outcomes that emerge from the marriage of knowing that thoughts, words and ideas actually do create reality (there is no such thing as ‘fiction’) with the willingness to suspend the self to take risks to engage in thought experiments and play, permitting works of art, writing, singing, ideas, solutions and musings to emerge.

 ~Susan E.

My creative imagination flows when I think about how to apply lessons and insights from one context to another context. When I stop to think about why something is wonderful I ask what makes it wonderful?


the mystical power of creativity to turn an ordinary moment into something extraordinary, something alive, often resounding with laughter.

~To me It means going to a place inside deeper than normal consciousness, seeing with the heart.