Happiness is saying what you mean and doing what you say.
Mahatma Gandhi

Therapeutic Mediation combines elements of mediation (consensus building, collaborative goal setting, and creative conflict engagement) with therapeutic coaching (individual emotional support, learning more about areas where individuals might be “stuck”, and examination of interpersonal dynamics that get in the way of reaching shared goals) to support people dealing with deep divides, estrangement, transitions, difficult decisions, and/or communication challenges.
ARIA is here to support you and your family, group, or business in fostering creative and preventive ways to engage disagreement. Conflict can be destructive; it can also, be creative. As we guide you through a specific conflict that has already turned negative, or is threatening to become so, we will teach you to “proventively” engage with future conflicts.
Conflict is inevitable, especially in relationships that mean a lot to us. Western dominant society generally shares the message that conflict is bad and should be avoided. We disagree. We believe unhealthy conflict can be divisive and wounding but healthy conflict can be a catalyst for growth and positive change, leaving relationships stronger and more fulfilling.
Jay Rothman, PhD – Jay has spent his career helping individuals, groups, organizations, communities, and leaders creatively engage with conflict to successfully navigate the most difficult identity-based questions and challenges.
Naomi Bongorno – Naomi is a graduate student working toward certification as a Licensed Professional Counselor. She provides support to Jay during mediation sessions as well as individual coaching, as needed, to help clients work through areas where they might be stuck or need extra support related to the mediation process.
Randi Land Rothman is a clinical social worker, coach and mediator. She specializes in helping others work through crises and conflicts as they transition into a new way of engaging their lives and relationships. Randi helps you look at your situation from all angles, explore choices you face and some of the practical, emotional and spiritual question that arise during these transitions.
Therapeutic Mediations generally follow a 10- to 12-week process that involves sessions with the entire family as well as small groups, and individual coaching sessions, as needed. Goals are defined through consensus and redefined as needed, and a follow up session is always conducted within 6-weeks after completion.